Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Intermittent Fasting Diet Plan Overview

Intermittent Fasting Diet, The Basics:

Here’s a simple definition of intermittent fasting: you eat your typical amount of food and calories each day but in a smaller time period. Intermittent fasting is not technically a diet.  It's a pattern of eating that reduces the window in which you eat each day to approximately 8 hours.

So don't think of intermittent fasting as a diet, it's more of a pattern of eating.

Sample intermittent fasting diet plan:

If you eat your first meal each day at approximately 1pm or 2pm, you can continue eating food until around 9pm. After that, you'd fast until the next day at 1pm or 2pm. That translates into an 8 hour window for eating, and 16 hours of fasting. Doing this every day can provide great results. The key is to be consistent with your intermittent fasting plan.

Intermittent fasting results and benefits- Why do it?

One of the key intermittent fasting results that you can expect if you follow this plan is weight loss. 

If you want a detailed scientific explanation of how intermittent fasting leads to fat loss, check out this article

It's almost certain that if you do follow a consistent plan of intermittent fasting, you'll see weight loss results due to the reasons mentioned in the link above.

Let's talk about some of the other benefits though. 

An often overlooked benefit is simplicity. Your day becomes much much simpler when you only eat in an 8 hour window of time. You can plan your work, your workouts, and your other daily activities around your meal times much more easily. Intermittent fasting allows you to have a very consistent daily schedule which can help with gym sessions and consistent high quality workouts. Whether your goal is just getting/staying lean, or intermittent fasting for bodybuilding, a consistent schedule is a huge asset to you in achieving your goals.

Another benefit is that intermittent fasting actually helps you live longer. Scientists have long known that calorie restriction leads to a longer life. Overeating is bad, eating just enough to get by is good (in terms of simply living as long as possible). Intermittent fasting provides similar benefits to simple types of calorie restriction.

Intermittent fasting is also much easier than dieting. You don't have to watch what you eat closely, you can eat the foods you enjoy. Your only task is to follow the plan and eat at appropriate times throughout the day. And you can set the times to some degree too. One person's intermittent fasting plan could have the first meal occur at 11 AM. Somebody else might choose 3PM, depending on schedules and preferences. 

Conclusion: Is The Intermittent Fasting Diet Effective:

Different people will see different results, but the short answer to the question above is "Yes". Most people should try it if they're interested/curious, as you're likely to see some significant weightloss and other benefits with a consistent intermittent fasting diet plan. 

Intermittent fasting is a valid eating plan for both casual dieters with the goal of having a decent beach body, being healthier, or simply improving their appearance or dropping a few pants sizes.

At the same time it's a tried and true method for cutting fat that's utilized by bodybuilders and competitive athletes as well.

Intermittent fasting is trusted and utilized by bodybuilders because it's incredibly simple to maintain the plan, and the method is effective in a relatively short period of time. In short, it's easy to follow, and intermittent fasting often delivers serious results.

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